The “Greatest Short Film Ever Made” Project

Why a Short Film? Interdisciplinary collaboration in integrated arts involves converging various artistic disciplines, such as visual arts, music, dance, and theatre, to create a cohesive and innovative creative product. It is a dynamic process that encourages artists from different…

The Nov. 11, 2023 Remembrance Day Art Installation

In this poignant Remembrance Day installation, three painted panels converge in a triangular formation, weaving a narrative that transcends the historical boundaries of the First and Second World Wars. The imagery and symbolism pay homage to the sombre echoes of…

Gr. 10 Fake Famous Animated Digital Collage Project

In the wake of the pervasive influence of social media on contemporary society, the Grade 10 Media Arts class has undertaken a transformative journey of artistic expression. Drawing inspiration from Nick Bilton's thought-provoking documentary, Fake Famous, the students have delved…